Sea moss gel face mask for acne

How to Use Sea Moss for Acne & Pimples?

Last updated on October 12, 2022

Woman applying sea moss gel on acne skin

Sea moss hosts a handful of valuable skin benefits and is now found in a lot of skincare products. But besides being a great skin moisturizer with potent anti-aging properties, this seaweed can treat a wide range of skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, or even skin allergies.

The good news is that sea moss works great for acne too! This non-comedogenic natural remedy clears clogged pores, absorbs excess sebum, fights bacterial infections, and balances the skin microbiome. It even helps get rid of acne scars.

The even better news is that sea moss is an all-natural and non-aggressive product that’s gentle on the skin and very safe to use.

So, wait no more! Here’s everything you need to know before using sea moss for acne.

Related article: What are sea moss benefits for the skin?

What is Acne?

Understanding how sea moss can help with acne first requires understanding what acne is exactly. Many people suffering from facial skin problems like spots, pimples, zits, blemishes, blackheads, whiteheads, or cysts think they have acne. But acne is a real skin condition that requires a dermatological diagnosis. Pimples on the face can be caused by a wide range of other reasons.

Acne vulgaris is an inflammatory skin disorder where the pores of the skin are blocked with hair, oil, dead skin, or bacteria. It’s most common among teenagers but it can affect people of all ages. Symptoms of acne usually appear on the face, forehead, chest, or back.

Acne happens when there’s a mishap in the skin’s natural lubrification process. The skin has millions of follicles, and each of them contains hair and a sebaceous gland responsible for oil (sebum) production. The sebum produced by the tiny gland goes up the hair to get out of the pore and lubricate the skin surface. Acne occurs when the sebum gets stuck in the pore, when there’s an overproduction of sebum, or when dead skin or bacteria accumulate inside the pore.

Treating acne is not easy. Some treatments like benzoyl peroxide focus on killing bacteria while others reduce the oil production (adapalene), ease inflammation, or unclog the pores (salicylic acid). But most pharmaceutical treatments are veryaggressive and abrasive to the skin. While they may cure acne, they often create new skin problems. 

Many people suffering from acne then turn to natural alternative solutions that have proven to work just as well but are much gentler on the skin. Sea moss is one of them.

Related article: The Top 10 sea moss benefits for women!

Does Sea Moss Work For Acne? 

Now that you know what acne is, you’ll understand better how sea moss can help. Sea moss is an all-in-one non-comedogenic natural ingredient that helps regulate sebum production while preventing bacteria growth and soothing skin inflammation at the same time. In other words, the perfect combo for skins with acne issues.

What is Irish moss?

Sea moss, also known as Irish moss or Chondrus Crispus, is an edible red alga that grows along the rocky coasts of the Atlantic Ocean. Due to its great diversity of concentrated nutrients, this seaweed is used to treat a wide range of health conditions. 

In the skincare industry, sea moss is very trending. But trend aside, more and more dermatologists acknowledge its benefits for the skin. 

It’s a non-comedogenic (does not block the pores) and rich moisturizer, with strong anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have also found that sea moss is a tightening agent with anti-aging properties that prevent the formation of wrinkles on the skin.

Sea moss is also proven to help treat skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, or eczema, as well as skin allergic reactions.

How does sea moss help with acne?

Sea moss contains 92 minerals, as well as numerous vitamins and antioxidants. While many of them are highly beneficial for the skin, its key nutrient to fight acne is sulfur.

Related article: The complete list of minerals and vitamins found in sea moss

Sulfur is known to be a potent natural acne-fighter. It works similarly to pharmaceutical acne treatments like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, but it’s much gentler on the skin and has very few side effects. Most over-the-counter face creams for acne and pimples contain sulfur.

Sea moss naturally contains a large amount of sulfur. But what’s even more interesting with sea moss for acne is that you benefit from sulfur's natural properties without suffering from the chemicals found in industrial skin care products.

When topically applied, sulfur dries out the top layer of the skin and helps absorb excess sebum. It helps slough away dead skin and prevents dead skin cells to block the pores. Sulfur is also anti-bacterial and fights Propionibacterium (acne bacteria) which grows inside the skin pores and causes acne breakouts. When applied regularly, the sulfur naturally present in sea moss balances the skin microbiome.

Thanks to its high content in sulfur, sea moss has considerably helped reduce the severity of acne for numerous patients. If you're in search of natural alternative remedies for your acne skin issues, you should definitely try it. It's efficient, gentle, non-aggressive, and very safe to use.

How To Use Sea Moss for Acne?

Sea moss is available in different forms, including pure dried sea moss, sea moss gel, capsules, pre-made skin care products, and others.

The most common and efficient way to use sea moss for acne is to apply sea moss gel on the affected areas. 

Make sure you’re using pure organic sea moss gel that’s been wildcrafted and not pool-grown. The difference in nutrient levels and efficiency between the two can be enormous. 

While sea moss is mostly safe to use on any skin type, we recommend doing a patch test before applying sea moss on your face or asking for your dermatologist's advice first.

Organics Nature Premium Sea Moss Gel is 100% Wildcrafted and Organic  

Sea moss gel face mask recipe for acne 

To make a pure sea moss face mask for acne, apply the equivalent of two tablespoons of organic sea moss gel onto the skin where the pimples are. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. Gently pat your skin dry.

To treat acne, we recommend applying a sea moss gel mask once to twice a week at first and gradually increasing the frequency if needed.

You can liven up your sea moss face mask with other natural ingredients known to treat acne like tea tree oil, green tea, honey, aloe vera, or others. 

Related article: Can sea moss help with menstruation?

Can Sea Moss Get Rid of Acne Scars?

Acne may leave ugly scars on the skin which are not easy to get rid of. Even dermatologists struggle to find efficient solutions to improve skin appearance. There’s a wide range of treatments available, from over-the-counter creams for scars to collagen injections, laser therapy, dermabrasion, chemical peel, skin needling, and even sometimes surgery.

Sea moss can help get rid of mild acne scars naturally. While applying sea moss gel alone won’t wipe away severe scarring, it does help reduce acne marks on your skin and improve skin appearance.  

Irish moss is often referred to as a source of plant-based collagen. While it does not contain collagen itself, it’s known to boost the body’s natural production of collagen. Collagen is essential to treat scarring. It’s what the body uses to repair the skin when it’s been damaged.

Try our Sea Moss Gel and Collagen Peptides Combo on Your Acne Scars!

Many minerals and vitamins found in sea moss gel are also proven to help boost the healing process and repair the skin. Applying sea moss regularly helps your skin remain supple and elastic, which also helps prevent scars from appearing in the first place.

Related article: Can you take sea moss while pregnant or breastfeeding?

Sea Moss and Facial Skin Problems: FAQ

Is it safe to put sea moss on your face?

Sea moss is considered very safe for the skin. It's a gentle natural ingredient well tolerated by most people. It causes very few side effects and allergic reactions are extremely rare. You can safely apply sea moss to your face. However, if your skin is very sensitive and you’re afraid of applying new products on your face, we recommend you perform a patch test on your arm first. 

Can you apply sea moss directly on pimples?

Absolutely. Applying sea moss gel directly on pimples, blackheads, or whiteheads is a great way to help them disappear. The algae’s natural properties help decrease inflammation, cleanse the skin, and fight the bacteria that might have infected your pimples. Apply a small amount of sea moss gel directly on your pimples and leave it on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing and drying your skin.

Does sea moss help with rosacea?

Rosacea is different from acne. This frequent skin condition mostly affects middle-aged women and causes redness, blushing, or flushing as well as bumps that may look like acne pimples. While genetics and other factors are involved too, rosacea may be caused by a disruption of the immune system in response to a bacteria called bacillus oleronius. By boosting the immune system, sea moss may help with rosacea in the long run. Meanwhile, its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties help decrease symptoms on the face.

Have you tried sea moss to treat acne or other facial skin issues? Share your experience below!

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