Seam moss to get rid of mucus

Does Sea Moss Help With Mucus and Phlegm?

Last updated on October 12, 2022

Woman drinking sea moss for mucus

Sea moss is a surprising seaweed with incredibly diversified health benefits. This ancient Irish natural medicine might very well be your best ally for the next cold and flu season!

Zoom in on sea moss for mucus and cough: does it help get rid of mucus?  How to use it safely?

What is Mucus?

To understand how sea moss helps with mucus, it’s important to first understand what mucus is and why your body produces it.

Mucus, also known as snot, is a gelatinous substance produced by the mucous membranes found in the nose and sinuses. It’s made of 95% water, the rest of it being inorganic salts and proteins. It lines the lungs, throat, mouth, nose, sinuses, and gastrointestinal tract.

Mucus is essential for your body. It plays a major filtering role and helps prevent bacterial and viral infections, as well as allergens. Having mucus is normal and vital. This slippery substance also acts as a lubricant for the body and prevents the airways from drying out.

But excess mucus, mucus that is thicker than usual, or mucus that looks green may be a sign that something isn’t right. Overproduction of mucus is mostly caused by respiratory or sinus infections, colds, allergies, smoking, lung diseases, or others.

While it’s often nothing to worry about, too much mucus can become embarrassing and cause great discomfort. If it's accompanied by fever, weight loss, nasal obstruction, or nose bleeding for more than a few days, you should see a doctor.

Related article: Can you use sea moss for allergies?

How Does Sea Moss Help With Mucus?

Sea moss, also known as Irish moss or Chondrus crispus, is a type of red algae that naturally grows on the Atlantic coasts. Like kelp or nori, this edible seaweed shows great promise and incredible health benefits. 

Both research and users’ experiences have proven that sea moss helps get rid of excess mucus. Here’s why and how: 

Disclaimer: while most of the time mucus isn't anything to worry about, it may be a sign of a serious condition. When in doubt, ask for your doctor's advice before using sea moss for a specific symptom.

Sea moss benefits for mucus

Sea moss is a relatively new product on the US market, but it’s been used to treat respiratory conditions, colds, and mucus problems in traditional Irish and British societies for centuries. It's used both as a preventive and curative remedy for mucus buildup. 

Thanks to its 92 essential minerals along with plenty of vitamins and antioxidants, sea moss is an exceptional health supplement. Three of its nutrients are particularly useful to combat mucus buildup: omega-3, chlorophyll, and potassium.

The way sea moss acts on mucus build-up is by dissolving the undesirable excess of it, treating the root causes, improving overall health, and boosting the immune system.

It dissolves mucus and decreases its production

Thanks to its high content in omega-3 fatty oils, chlorophyll, and potassium chloride, sea moss helps reduce mucus and acts as a decongestant to soothe the bronchial system.

A scientific study has found that dietary enrichment with 20% fish oil (omega-3) decreases mucus production. Seaweeds in general, and sea moss in particular, are one of the best plant sources of omega-3.

Sea moss also helps with mucus thanks to its high potassium iodide content. Besides being a dietary supplement, potassium iodide is a strong natural expectorant. It’s used to dissolve mucus, clear the upper and lower airways, and lose nasal congestion. 

Finally, Irish moss is probably one of the best naturopathic alternatives to pharmaceutical decongestants like Afrin, Dristan, Sudafed, Silfredine, or others that contain pseudoephedrine or antihistamine and may cause strong side effects. It's proven to be very effective in providing relief from blocked and stuffy noses caused either by colds and flu or allergic reactions.

It’s a natural demulcent for cough and irritation

Sea moss is also known to be a natural demulcent. Demulcents are oleaginous or gelatinous agents that form a soothing protective film over a mucous membrane. Demulcents like pectin, glycerin, or honey are commonly used in cough syrups. They help relieve minor pain, inflammation, and irritation.

Those who suffer from asthma, bronchitis, sore throat, as well as smokers, find sea moss to be very helpful if consumed regularly.  

Related article: Is it better to take sea moss at night or in the morning?

It treats the causes of mucus build-up

Sea moss is also known to have potent natural antiviral properties. It helps prevent and treat the root causes of excessive mucus production.

Many people take sea moss as a preventive treatment during the flu season. It contains a large amount of immune-boosting minerals and vitamins like iron, magnesium, zinc, amino acids, vitamin C, and antioxidants.

Naturally reinforcing your immunity is a great way to stay away from mucus-causing colds and seasonal flu.

How to Use Sea Moss for Mucus?

There are several ways to take sea moss for mucus. Irish moss is a very versatile alga that you can eat and add to any food or drink recipe of your choice. 

Although you can eat pure sea moss gel, frequent consumers prefer adding it to their smoothies, soups, or drinks. The recommended amount of sea moss gel is 1 or 2 tablespoons per day. You can adjust the dosage depending on your body weight, and on whether you take sea moss to prevent mucus from building up or to get rid of the mucus that's already here. But remember due to its high iodine content, taking too much sea moss can be dangerous.

Related article: What does sea moss taste like?

Organics Nature Premium Organic Sea Moss Gel

Capsules are also a great and easy way to take sea moss to get rid of mucus. Their main advantage is that you know the exact amount you're taking. To maximize health benefits, these Organics Nature’s Sea Moss Capsules are enriched with bladderwrack and burdock roots. We recommend 2 capsules a day to combat mucus buildup.

Sea Moss Capsules enriched with Bladderwrack and Burdock Roots 

FAQ About Sea Moss During the Cold Season 

Here are a few frequently asked questions about taking sea moss for mucus, phlegm, cough, sinus infections, and other symptoms and conditions.

Does sea moss make you cough up phlegm?

Phlegm is different from mucus. While mucus is a thinner secretion coming from the upper airways (mostly nose and sinuses), phlegm is thicker and comes from the throat and lungs.

Sea moss does not make you cough phlegm. It acts on phlegm the same way it does on mucus. It dissolves it. Eventually, the dissolved phlegm is then taken to the digestive tract.

Is sea moss good for sinus infections?

Sinus infection, also known as sinusitis or rhinosinusitis, can be both a cause and a consequence of mucus buildup. 

Sea moss can help with sinus infections. Its strong antiviral and immunity-boosting properties can help prevent sinus infections in the first place. If you already suffer from sinusitis, sea moss helps you decrease the symptoms by dissolving the mucus and acting as a decongestant and demulcent.

Can you make Irish moss cough syrup?

Absolutely. Irish moss cough syrup is very popular in Ireland and has been used for centuries. Sea moss acts as a natural soother and demulcent that relieves pain caused by inflammation and irritation. To relieve sore throat, you can use pure Irish Sea Moss Gel or make your own sea moss cough syrup with added ingredients like honey, menthol, or ginger for example.

Is sea moss safe?

Sea moss is a safe natural ingredient that’s known to have very few side effects and causes almost no risks of allergy. While most people tolerate sea moss very well, we do recommend you start with a small amount and gradually increase the dosage. Remember that too much sea moss is dangerous and could lead to iodine poisoning. Always stick to the recommended dosage on the labels. 

Related article: Find out how much sea moss you can take daily

Do you have any questions about taking sea moss for mucus or cough? Do not hesitate to place your comment below. One of our team members will reply as soon as possible!

Sources used for this article: 

  • Hall JA, Hartman J, Skinner MM, Schwindt AR, Fischer KA, Vorachek WR, Bobe G, Valentine BA. Dietary Enrichment with 20% Fish Oil Decreases Mucus Production and the Inflammatory Response in Mice with Ovalbumin-Induced Allergic Lung Inflammation. PLoS One. 2016 Sep 26;11(9):e0163819. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0163819. PMID: 27669173; PMCID: PMC5036796.
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Hi Toni,

Given your medical conditions and the fact that you are on high medication, it’s important to consult with your doctor for personalized advice before taking sea moss. While sea moss is natural, it is also powerful and can interact with your medications. Your doctor will be able to guide you based on your specific health needs.

Warm regards,
Organics Nature

Organics Nature

I have nasal polyps, heart failure (left bundle branch block and 2 leaking valves) arthritis and high blood pressure. I am on high medication. It is advisable to take the moss?


Dear Stormy S,

Thank you for reaching out to us. While some studies suggest that natural supplements like sea moss or ashwagandha may have potential benefits for certain health conditions, including tumors and caners, we cannot provide personalized medical advice, especially for a condition as serious as a meningioma brain tumor.

These supplements may interact with your medication or cause side effects, so their safety and efficacy in your specific situation should be evaluated by your healthcare provider. We strongly recommend consulting with your doctor before taking any new supplements, including sea moss, black seed oil, ashwagandha, and burdock root, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition like a brain tumor.

Your doctor can provide personalized guidance based on your medical history, current treatment plan, and individual health needs. Your health and safety are our top priorities, and we encourage you to prioritize professional medical advice before making any changes to your healthcare regimen.

For more information about sea moss and cancer, please refer to our related article here:
If you have any further questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out. We’re here to support you.

Best regards,
Organics Nature

Organics Nature

I have a meningioma brain tumor. I ordered sea moss, blackseed oil, ashwaghanda, and burdock root supplement. Is it safe to take with a tumor? I have read that ashwaghanda helps with tumors.

Stormy S

What kind of email addresses get approved, please

Bogadi Koosaletse

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